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The CLAIRS are yours to access and to use for your life, your career, &  in your decision making.


They are part of your tool bag you came equipped on earth with! 


They were gifted to you by the Creator, so you can navigate this earthly journey with more clarity and ease. 


It is time you learn how to incorporate it and use it for your benefit!


Would a doctor not use his stethoscope?

Would a painter not use his brush?

Would a runner not use his shoes?


You know you are multidimension!


And you are here on earth to disrupt s---,  to be the change maker, to lead yourself, so others can follow your lead. 


It is time to use your magical tools so that you can create the world you know we are all meant to live in. 


It starts with remembering your CLAIRS and fully trusting them. 


In this 3 day series, you will receive 3 recorded videos:


Day 1: The two factors that hold you back in accessing your Clairs


Day 2: The 4 main CLAIRS


Day 3: Discernment between ego and higher self

The Clairs "Deepen Your Trust"

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